I'm Ginny, The Prodigal Artist. You will find my art here. Since I often use recycled materials, you never know what I might be creating at any given time.
To say I work in one particular medium would box me in and that would kind of defeat my purpose here. So, I work with what I have to make beautiful things. Many times they are functional as well.
I also provide commissioned and service based work. My strength is my ability to draw which means I can pretty much do that on anything; and if I have the right materials, I can make it beautiful, whatever "it" is.
I look forward to sending you an original work of art in the near future. Of course, there will also be prints or stickers and things for those that maybe can't afford the originals but still appreciate the work I do.
My goal is to travel around making art and impacting the lives of people wherever I go.
If you have met me, personally, and are enquiring about speaking engagements, or want to commission a piece, please contact me at the email at the bottom of the page. Thank you!
If you've been here before you might be wondering why all the cool print on demand things have disappeared from the site. Well...that's because there was literally no profit in it. I couldn't make it cheap enough to warrant your purchases and make myself any money in doing the design work.
So, rather than cheapen my gift by trying to provide mass produced versions of it, I've decided to step back and only sell what I personally make on this site. Well, aside from the book printing. I can still have things made for you with my art but you'll have to let me know which designs and products you want.
The great thing is that I'm going to be putting my original pieces on here for your perusal and purchase. If you live in my area I can deliver or meet you somewhere. If you are elsewhere, my art can be shipped to you. If the shipping exceeds what is calculated on the site I will definitely let you know.
I just want to use my art as a means of provision for my family and a way to support organizations that are making an impact. Along that vein, if you know of an organization needing a design to aid in a fundraising campaign I'd love to help as long as it fits in my schedule.
So, anyway, I hope you will be patient with me as I begin to upload my work. I can't wait for you all to have access to original art pieces at a variety of price points!
The Prodigal Artist
I’m having to do a reset on this whole concept, so in order to get individual pieces uploaded, I would ask your patience.
If ever you have a question about one of my pieces or commissioned work, please email me! Thanks!